
Meg Ryan Plastic Surgery

Meg Ryan is an American actress, director, and producer.  She was born on November 19, 1961, at Fairfield U.S. she began her career as in minor roles and thereafter she joined the CBS soap opera in 1982. she is one of the most successful actresses in both nationally and internationally especially in romantic movie comedies. She won several awards and nominations.

Looking at Meg’s appearance at the age of 54, her facial outlook had completely changed. At the Tony award, Meg Ryan was totally unrecognizable by her fans hence becoming the hot topic to be discussed in social media(both Facebook and Twitter).

Though Meg is in complete denial of undergoing the process, Mark Yossef a surgeon from Younique Cosmetic surgery had some few notes to highlight on her face. He said “she may have done it too much. I think that’s why people are a little shock because she doesn’t look like Meg Ryan that we all love.”

Meg Ryan
Surgeries Facelift, Boob job and Botox shots
Age Born on 19th of November 1961
BMI 19.7
Body Fat
Weight 126 lb
Height 5 ft, 7 in
Waist 24 in
Bra 34B
Skin Color White
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue

Meg Ryan Plastic Surgery

“I think she looked better before this work” he added.

Meg refused to confirm whether he passed through the surgeon’s knife but she has been vocal about the general focus of female beauty. She said, “there are more important conversations than how women look and how they are aging.” She said. “I love my age, “I love my life right now. I love the person I’ve become, the one I’ve evolved into.

Meg Ryan Plastic Surgery (2)

Meg Ryan Cheeks refilling

Meg Ryan Plastic Surgery (3)

Comparing her before and after photos you can see a very huge different. At the later photos you will realize that she must have undergone so cheeks felling process.  According to doctor her apple of her cheeks are too full and too large. He says “when she smiles, all of that filler moves up and makes her eyes look smaller. The reason she looks masculine is because of the placement of the volume in her cheeks the volume of the filler should have been placed more laterally to give her a soft look.”

Meg is one of the stars who underwent total transformation due to the plastic surgery.  Although Meg didn’t accept it is well known that she has passed under the knife