
Julie Chen Plastic Surgery

Julie Chen is one of the strongest women in heart who chose to do what they needed to do to keep their career. What does this statement insinuate? You won’t believe that she received direct critic of her eyes from a supervisor in a media house she worked for.

Julie Chen is an Indian-American who was not aware that her eyes size would hinder her job progress at her place of work. She underwent plastic surgery when she was in her 20’s though she confessed the secret after she was 47 years old. What exactly are we talking about?

Julie Chen
Surgeries Eyelid and Nose job
Age Born on 6th of January 1970
BMI 20.6
Body Fat
Weight 124 lb
Height 5 ft, 5 in
Waist 24 in
Bra 34B
Skin Color White
Hair color Brown
Eye color Brown

Julie Chin Double Eyelid Surgery

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery

The procedure was not done for pride purpose but rather to keep her job. You can’t imagine being a news anchor and then you receive a statement from the supervisor that you don’t suit the audience’s interest. This sounds harsh isn’t?

Julie Chen was not the type of the proverbial ostrich that hides the head on the sand as its home burn down in the wild. She took the step to have the painful double eyelid surgery. The intention was to win back the heart of her employer as the main news anchor.

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery (2)

As opposed to her small Chinese eyes, the surgery gave her a new look which worked magic and added incredible beauty. No one would exactly tell whether it was Julie Chen they saw after the surgery. However, the news was not received warmly by the family as she appeared as if she denied her culture for the sake of her job. What a beautiful look? She now looked interesting and not boring on the camera

Julie Chen Nose Job

Julie Chen Plastic Surgery (3)

Though Julie Chen has come out to deny these claims that she had some job done at her nose, the photos prove otherwise. Her current nose looks slimmer and well-shaped as opposed to the earlier bulbous nose.

She said she has nothing done on her nose and it is all thanks to her make up artist which has the best skills in contouring. She went ahead and shared some of makeup photos and tips.

What is your opinion on the well-opened eyes that Julie Chen achieved?


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